Thursday, September 01, 2005

Late post with no title

Song of today: Incomplete [Backstreet Boys]

Its late, but heck care. I don't feel like sleeping yet. Okay, let's review what I gotta do...
CC: When is this funky assignment due? There's no date. Okay, I'll give myself max 1 week.
DTP: Tomorrow we have the lab session. Did what I hope will be okay on powerpoint tonight, hope it works.
ICP: Have yet to download the past year exam paper. I should this weekend and try to study then do the paper so that when Kam Lin goes through with the answers I can see what I have right and what I don't understand (I AM SO GLAD THE PROJECT IS DONE!).
FOM: Aiight, I'm gonna go down support you guys this Friday. :D No lecture either, should start revising for this...
OC: Damn. I need to start the powerpoint already. Stop slacking.
ITB: Excel. Hope I can do well in the ICA coming up. So much for the "study week", still need to go down for the ICA.
CD: Damn! Another one that needs the powerpoint to be done. And by Monday too!

Incomplete is my refuge today. This song is hauntingly comforting today for some reason. No, I'm not down, in fact, I'm on a high (the large coke I had + other factors too). Hmmm, what other songs are refuges? How do they affect you? Some other questions to think about....

Food for thought, literally... I seriously have to start watching what I eat. And to be more disciplined to run every night too. Nad, can we somehow arrange something? Evenings? Oh well... Anyway, what have I been doing today? There was this GARGANTUAN coke I had at MickeyD's today and then had chocolate, nasi briyanni... I'm gonna put on whatever I lost! Hmmmm.... I need my personal trainer, heh!

Know what? One of my goals one day is to go travel the world. Its something I can work towards. Europe, North America! I WILL visit one of these days.

Congrats to Smack on the arrival of baby Brooklyn. :D

Shout outs:
*late, so please forgive me
Dak: Heyo, how ya doin eh?
Dame: Hey, hope stuff works out. If not... Things will have to remain the way they are, I guess. Anyway, yer positive, so I know whatever happens you will make light of it.
L: SELAMAT HARI KEBANGSAAN cuz (see, I still remember malay!!!).

**If I have left anyone out, bish me.


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