Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wicked Wednesday

Song of today: One In A Million [Bosson]

Heyo. Today, hm…. We are awaiting the arrival of Nad and Shaun to start practicing our skit for tomorrow. To DMC1A05, please laugh!

Right, we had a good run through, everyone is funny! =)) Good job! I can imagine what it will be like tomorrow. Awesome eh?

Thank goodness the frustration and stress associated with the ITB ICA today has gone off. Not such a Wicked Wednesday after all. Phew! The ICA wasn’t great, it was trying for sure. Dang, why does Microsoft word have so many functions? Oh well, its over so forget about it and think of other stuff.

I really worry too much – I fear that I may be becoming a workaholic. =/ Get a grip of yourself and stop it! RELAX! Yes, conflicting. Just quit worrying about stuff but concentrate on remembering what you learnt so you can do better. You will do fine in your projects.

I think too much about how we are falling behind in work, or so I think. I should learn to take things easy and let them flow in their due time. Maybe its because the projects are such a big part of the core module’s marks that I worry about this stuff so much. But, as I have said, RELAX. Yep. I shall try to take things easy now. Everything will work out eventually. =)

Yeah, I cleared up my song library earlier, hope that the speed of the laptop will increase a bit with that. Oh my gosh, Clumsy by OLP is kinda nice. Its my first time listening to the story now. I’m drifting off to dreamland now… Okay, let me create a playlist called OLP. Oh dear, “Somewhere Out There”, I’m really in dreamland now. Uhm, some would know what I think of with this song. ;)

Superman’s deed is another good song by OLP… Basically, I’m going through the five OLP songs that I have in my playlist, lol. Story about a girl is moving…

Heh, Frederick just woke up after falling asleep over his work. He’s got pins and needles, its kind of funny to look at him now – he can barely walk. Ooooh, I am sadistic aren’t I? *embarrassed smiley here* Oh no, I’m really laughing out loud now. He looks so stiff, wooden when he walks.

Lets see what is in store for tomorrow… We got Desktop Publishing (DTP) where we’re going to do our CA2 as the group project. I’ve got an idea for that already. Then ICP where we’re going to pour over those Mass Media theories again. My head spins thinking of them. Eck! Then CC where we have the skits! I can’t wait for that one. =)

Speaking of lectures, today was the day that we all had the big shuffle for the FOM lecture seating arrangement. I protest! I HATE sitting behind. You get so tempted to sleep especially you’re so high up. Please, can we be in front again? Sigh.

Review of lessons I have skipped…
ITB – 1 or 2 lessons (out of maximum 6/semester)
OC – 1 lesson (out of maximum 4/semester)
That looks okay. Not too bad I’d say.

Hmmm, am I up to running today? I hope I am able to go running and last longer than the previous run. Energy, energy! I need energy. Lemme go conserve energy and go snooze a bit now then, lol.

Comeback time! Woohoo! Okay, like I ran the two rounds without stopping today. Am happy with that, did it in like 17 minutes I think. Now to work on sustaining that, then increasing to running every weekday. After that, running longer. =) Thanks for starting me on running (you know who you are). ;)

It has gone back to rainy afternoons. Oh well, it was humid today. Bleah… I think I’ll skip the shout outs today if you don’t mind, I am in a state of mind that isn’t sure of what to say. Thanks.


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