Thursday, October 13, 2005

Busy week

Hey all, this week I seem to be going out everyday, heh. Busy man.
Tuesday - Marina Bay with Chi Alpha NP and SP people
Wednesday - Committee meeting for DMC05 BBQ
Thursday - Mom's birthday lunch
Friday - Cafe reunion dinner at swensen's (tenative)

Phew! Hmm, I wanna shout out to some peeps before I get a move on.
Nic: Rest well gal and take care. Eat Vitamin C aight? Must be able to enjoy yer hols and the BBQ
Canadian Bacon: Hey, you take care too aight? Rest lots, eat loads of Vitamin C, get that cold over. Fruits, juice, whatever helps ya! You'll be back as good as new in no time.

Aight, back to yesterday. It was another long day, met ZL, WJ, Gajan, Arisya and Ifah at City Hall. For once, the lateness wasn't that "late" after all. Not more than 15 minutes which was manageable. Uhm, yup, they all got their key chains from me. =D

It was fun. We discussed and discussed and called some people. I had the "honour" of calling up Suan, who, will be coming to the BBQ and bringing some tidbits. Haha. And also called Kamesh. Lookin cool yo.

Then we all went to Giant at Marina Square. Was cool, they actually have juice drinks for like $1 (don't fall for the gimmick that $0.99 is cheaper than $1, its just $0.01 difference!). Yep, and like we just had a fun time and went to LJS after that. At the train station, there was the decision time when deciding, North-South route (red line detour) or East-West route (green line direct). ZL said, "Don't follow WJ, he's STUPID!" I found that funny. WJ, not to tarnish yer name lah, just put there for fun, heheh. I took the direct line.

And for some absurd reason, I kept thinking yesterday was actually today. *insert rolling eyes here*

Lastly, happy birthday to my mom.

Shout outs:
Dak: Yo, have an awesome day aight?
Dame: Keeping up man? Get enough rest aight, I think you need it, heheh. You've got a new full time job at hand.
L: No updates???



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