Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Panama, here we come!

Thanks to those who've shared with me their views. Thanks most of all to the calmer. I owe you all. To the "calmer", yer voice of reason is a strong point. Thanks for helping me calm down. Also thanks to Mesh for listening to me, heheh.

Wow, survivor has ousted 7 people already. When is the merge? Hmmm.
Twist #1: Bring back Bobby Jon and Stephenie from Palau to play again
Twist #2: Tribal mix up with uneven numbers on episode 4
Twist #3: Double tribal council in episode 6

What else? Uninvited tribe visit in episode 7? Fake merge? No merge?
Danni - I have a feeling she will go far. Unbelievably thin, she may been seen as a non-threat and a late pick for the boot. She may have alliances and I want to see more of her interactions with the others, so far, all we've seen is about her calling Gary out on his ex-job. I think there's more to her than that and her edit so far leads me to believe she's in the game for awhile more at least. Come on Danni, win this, my pick'em game depends on you!
Gary - You make good TV with your lying. Hahahaha, Brian said in the post game interview everyone knew you were ex-NFL, yet you lie that yer a landscape architect and DENY your NFL days. That's whacked! And Brian mentioned that it didn't matter you were ex-NFL. It may hurt you hough, since they know you were ex-NFL and held back during challenges... I see you pre-jury.
Amy - Talk about courage! And determination. Goin' on that ankle of yours, WOW! Like, it got bruck once and now its bruck again'. And yer still on it. Haha, excuse my purposely typing with misspellings. But sad to say, I see you as pre-jury too. You fight hard though.
Brandon - I figure yer gonna be in for awhile at least, since ye aren't featured so much at this time. Yer physically fit, got a lot of strength in ya. Haven't seen much of ye, alliance wise, 'cept that you, BJ, Danni have something goin'. You wanted to keep Blake, but Danni and BJ let go. Yer a mystery, Brandon.
Bobby Jon - Well, you survived this long, being a second chancee and all, y'know what I mean? I see you jury, early jury. Something doesn't go right to make you go further. But can't complain now can you? I mean, ye did better than yer Palau standing. Guess you can complain about Stephenie and her comments eh? Ah, she's jealous of ya, that she is.

Stephenie - Thanks goodness you stopped complaining somewhat. Peace finally reigns in Guatemala. You have been given a very BAD edit thus far, always whining and complaining with a NEGATIVE note. I think you have the ability to go far, keeping yer negativeness to confessionals. Yer tribesmates don't suffer, but WE do Steph, yes, us viewers. Have you ever considered that? Nevertheless, I see you getting a better edit in the merge. You do well too, late jury at least.
Judd - Oy! Gorilla man, y'know what I mean man, yeah man. Man! Can you stop sayin' man? Oh man. See what ye did to me man. I tell you, man, I hate yer man comments, y'know man? I think ye need some people skills man, like learn to not offend people man. Eh, man? I see ya mid-jury man. Y'know man? I don't liek you, man.
Rafe - Hmmm, okay. Blabber mouth gave ya the immunity. You didn't win it yerself. Nevertheless, we haven't seen much of yer strategising. All hidden eh? Damn those CBS editors. Lol. I think you need to work on winning some challenges yerself. Maybe after the merge when you are like fed with that merge feast they always have. I see you late jury.
Lydia - I loved the pancake. Sure, you are a motivator. I like yer spirit and guts. ;) Just fly low, like Sandra did. Get others to vote out others, target others and not you. I think you can go far that way. I see you late jury, if not creeping the way to the final 2. If you win, that's like whoa. Cause we've never had a person like ya win. Keep to the fnal 4 at least, please, my pick'em points also depend on you as much as they do Danni.
Jamie - You, hmmm, you don't strike me as an all out player. I mean, something's missin'. I dunno what it is, but you don't make me like you very much. Is it yer personality? Whatever it is, if I am just a viewer, I wonder what it must be like for yer tribesmates. I see you early jury.
Cindy - Ah, the animal lovah! Cindee!!! Haven't seen much of ya so I think you'll go far in the game. Late jury for me. Yer good with yer brains and don't let Juddhead get to you. Ye keep yer mouth shut when appropriate and open when needed. Smart gal. Yer rank has gotten further in my view. Keep at it aight? Stay low.

RC win: Yaxha
IC win: Nakum
TC: Yaxha

On another note, insider info says that S12 is Survivor: Pearl Islands X 3. Yup, back to Panama. Ideas?
Idea #1: Former reality stars (like peopel from TAR, Apprentice, Fear Factor, AI, etc)
Idea #2: Family members of survivors in the F6 (Like Shii Ann's mom, Eliza's mom, Thunder D, Katie's brother-in-law, Jenn's sister, Sandra's hubby, etc)

Some spoiler info:
- NO ex-castaways this season
- We apparently know some of the cast already (as in, we've heard of/seen them before)



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