Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Amazing Race Assessment

Yesteray was survivor, today is The Amazing Race.

Ray & Yolanda - On first impression, they seem to be good racers. They've had luck, believe it or not and always dodge elimination. Better be careful thoguh, a non-elim could set them back some. They managed to dodge being eliminated when Lake & Michelle yielded Dani & Danielle. They beat Dave & Lori to the pit stop.

Lake & Michelle - Not too bad, but made some mistakes here and there. Then again, can anyone say they ran a perfect race eh? I think they will go far, ala their predecesors, Jonathan & Victoria.

Fran & Barry - Old couple that has a rather hopeless attitude. You need to stop thinking of the "worst case scenario". Too much of that can lead to your demise.

Monica & Joseph - Ooooh, what can I say about ya. Coasting to the end eh?

BJ & Tyler - SUper hyper hippies eh?! Hippy power. Excited at everything. Goons and loons. They should call one episode goons and loons eh?

Eric & Jeremy - Frat team. Haha, godo to go. Not bad for a waiter and a valet. "SOME" sensible decisions.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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