Saturday, April 08, 2006


I haven't touched this space on the internet of mine for several days now. basically, I don't feel like writing. But ah well, here's the first entry in a few days.

happy Birthday Shwee. Hope you had fun with the cake and presents last night. Will upload the photos into the photo blog when I can. Yeah. Last night was Shwee's birthday celebration where we totally surprised her with a cake and presents. A fun time and we were busy taking photos with our phones (so, we DO use those features once in awhile).

Anyway, it was fun to see the Cafe gang again. Yeah. Good times people. Which reminds me, our Cafe blog has been dormant for ages!!!!

Today is Shwee's real birthday. So, she's the first of us all to turn 18. yen Hao is next up.

Also went to Monfort Junior School yesterday with the "bosses". Okay, mini bosses I'll say. Mega boss is another person. And the boys (Monfort is a boy's school) were hillarious.

"Thanks you ladies and gentlemen and god bless you." They're a Catholic kind of school, so hence the "God bless you". Reminds me of the joke we had during the combined school's choir in 2003. We said Hai Sing Catholic goes "God bless you". For all we know, it may very well be true, lol. (NOTE: I am not intending to make fun of Catholics, so please do not be offended. My family IS Catholic themselves.)

Shout Outs:
Dak: Yo, press on eh? Do yer best, I believe in you.
Dame: Try not to overwork aight? Spend time with those ya love.
Fano: The game is great and my Shane boot is going to add up a lot of points for me! Ack.
DMC2A05: Okay, I look forward to seeing y'all again in 2 weeks time. God bless us all this semester. Amen.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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