Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Simply Sushi

Yesterday we went to Sakae Sushi at Marina Square. Heh, it was cool. We ate a LOT of sushi and chalked up a big bill. I also realised, I have a thing for glass bottles these days. I mean, I like collecting them. Let's face it, I have a glass Thai coke bottle (still with the coke), a Passionfruit Esprit bottle, a Lemon Lime Esprit bottle sitting on my table. Heheh. My bottle collection. I need the strawberry, blueberry, raspberry Esprit bottles now!

Lol. Its nice to collect stuff like this. I still have that Slizer too. Memories eh? Anyway, back to sushi. Ate... And ate... And ate. Till we were so full. Then we STILL had left over sushi and since they charge for unfinished food... We had to eat up or be punished with surcharges.

After sushi-ing, we walked down the bayside to the Benjamin Shears Bridge before heading to the Esplanade for fondued Strawberries and Marshmellows. After heading home and a shower, I dropped on my rent's bed and fell asleep since. I think the lack of sleep has been taking its toll on me. Heh. Its so nice to sleep and SLEEP IN! Of which I do not do these days, sadly... Bah...


Heads Up and Stay Strong
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