Monday, May 08, 2006

Jalan Kayu, Chinatown

Today was dang fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Rajan surprised the class by not having CONB tutorial today. We had our FW lesson in Chinatown, tasked to go round and scout around for ideas, leads. Target: 50. Accomplished: 57

And then we were dismissed from Chinatown, "Okay, see you all at lecture"
"Huh? No tutorial?"
That was Nic with the 'no tutorial' by the way.

So, Cawo, Mesh, Xin Le, Nad & I all decided to use this opportunity to go to Jalan Kayu to eat prata (some flour fried till fluffy and eaten with curry, comes in various versions such as cheese version and onion version). Since Chinatown was on the North East Line, it was the perfect set up to go to Jalan Kayu (Sengkang -> LRT -> Thanggam). Thanks to directions from Shawn, found it easily.

We had a fun time eating and discussing MMR project. Oh, on the way, we acted like kids taking the train for the first time, taking photos all over. And Lambie was the super star too. Pics up soon. Yeah, I had 1 cheese prata, 1 onion prata, and a lime juice. Quaint place, Jalan Kayu - so out of Singapore!

All too soon we had to go back to school for lecture. We decided to take a cab from Plaza Singapura since we felt we were gonna be late taking train all the way. But not without suffering from the NEL-effect. That is, since the NEL is entirely underground, the monotonous black views out of the windows make you sleepy. Lecture was fine and discussed IHRP project. Gonna be a bomb since, I'm uh, playing a female role. Mrs. Coco Lat! Haha, lets see how that goes. ;) Ciao.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
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