Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Why do I complain?

Its just week 2, day 2... But school is killing me already. Yeehaw for Wednesdays! I declare tomorrow my catch-up-on-reading-and-sleeping-day. Yeah, I need it. I'm seriously starting to slack in my HFTV reading and I guess it shows. And school's killing me, I'm just dang tired. After dinner I went to sleep and didn't wake to 2245. Yes, from something like 1900 to 2245.

Mom went to meet up with Aunty Nancy and the rest of the leaders. Before going, she reminded me to clear up the placemats. I just replied, "mmmmm......". When she came back, I hadn't moved a muscle. Placemats were still there. Which explains why Wednesday needs to be an R&R day.

MMR & CONB project.
Oh geez! This is a MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR project. And my group? Satisfied for the most. For the MOST only though. Irrelevancy, sub-standardness and stubborness come to mind when you mention MMR project. Do make me think about it! So, we all have to be nice and play having hi tea and break the news in a group dicussion. Dang it! Always stuck on this. Leeching. Its damned leeching!

On a lighter note... Ben & Jerry's free cone day. We went to Suntec during our 3 hour break and managed to grab a cone each (Carol, Mesh & Xin Le I mean). 4 flavours: Chunky Monkey, Oatmeal, Brownie & Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Dammit! Thinking about that makes me WANT more at this ungodly hour. And before this it was Peach Yoghurt. Heh.

Not a good lifestyle. Hardly Don't exercise anymore and eat a lot and sleep. Ewww. Okay, too much complaining already. I'll shut the trap.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


Blogger survivorfreak said...

Not really. It depends on my mood. =)

12:24 PM  

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