Sunday, April 30, 2006

Survivor Spoilers

Lets start with spoilers. Firstly, Terry is supposed to win 7 consecutive Immunity Challenges (and that Trumps Tom Westman even!).

Merge: 10 people
7 IC wins later...
And it means that he wins all except the FINAL IC.

So... Either Aras or Danielle or Cirie is going to win the final immunity challenge (and thank goodness for something different. Sorry Terry, I like ya, but its been boring).

Shane is most likely to leave next episode (Oh damn, Bamboozled as an episode title is SUCH a giveaway). Expect Shane to throw a tantrum at next Tribal Council. Since this is probably the last time it is possible for the immunity idol to be played, it may come into play. My guess is that Danielle and Terry align. He wins IC and gives her the II. Shane, Cirie and Aras vote Danielle but TD think Shane needs to go.

With 2 votes, Shane is ousted due to TD having immunity. Oh man, this season is so predictable and exile island did little to shake it up. =_="


Final 4, there's supposed to be a tie. I'm thinking its TD versus AC. Cirie did mention Aras was the one she would trust her life with. We all know how good Cirie is at making fire right? So she's going to be ousted in a tie breaker involving fire making (We did see Danielle make fire when Bob Dawg refused to).

And Danielle winning, would push Aras to win the final immunity since its his last chance. TD would oust him if either won the final immunity. Bringing Terry to the final 2 would jeopardise his ability to win. Why? The man had EVERYTHING against him yet he made final 2. How can you not give him the million??? Danielle though... With the majority of the jury made up by Casayans, you'd know the final 2 better than anything hence be able to make a decision on who played the game better.

Who will the jury vote for? Seriously, I don't care. Aras or Danielle, hooha, season's over. Look forward to Survivor: Cook Islands (or alternative name may be Survivor: Aitutaki) or where ever they go next.

Labour Day on tomorrow. that's cool. Another day to rest, another day to read up on HFTV. When's the test? Uh, Ms Kwa? What will be tested too? Oh shoot. Get organised! Get organised! Notes, readings, whoooooooooooh! Next week is our week to present (taking Sunday to be week 3 already). I have a nagging feeling something else is due... But what? LSC test has been moved to week 5 from week 4...

Week 5 we have our DMA camera-speech filming CA (shit, I hate this one....), IHRP report due. Week 6 is, uhm, uh... I need to check. And week 7 is our MMR. Ah, the life of a tertiary student.... *rolls eyes*


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


Blogger RC said...

interesting thoughts on the bamboozlement...

--RC of

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MMR is week 6, not 7.


10:00 PM  

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