Friday, April 28, 2006

The law of natural justice

Today we had Legal Systems and Contracts with Ms Peter. Damn, she's funny. And we learnt about the "law of natural justice". In short, something like giving the benefit of the doubt.

Its just damn hard to do. Am I supposed to give the benefit of the doubt that the person is hard working but was unable to perform? Give the benefit of the doubt that the person is confident but just has a soft voice? Give the benefit of the doubt that the person is trying to be funny? Give the benefir of the doubt that the person is genuine?

It really sucks to be placed with The Person everyday. What about taking turns? Its bad enough that a few people share responsibilities out of so many. And what about The Person themselves? Cannot they see that they themselves should make a better effort to socialise with others instead of just leeching onto certain people and driving the hell out of them.

Frankly. I've had enough. Its up to the breaking point already!


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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