Friday, May 05, 2006

SDFTV at the Singapore Arts House

First, first, first. THANK YOU MS KWA for the pizza dinner!

Okay, so tonight the class went to watch Singapore Gaga at the Singapore Arts House at the Old Singapore Parliment House (long name eh?). It was a short one hour feature. But kinda interesting.

"National Treasure" - This man who performs thinks he's the country's national treasure. LOL!

"One dollar song lady" - Nice tune! I like her song! An interesting character.

"MRT announcer lady" - Hahahahaha! They interviewed her and she gave her reasons for her pronunciation?

"Novena guitar player" - Nice opening and closing.

"Harmonica and recorder" - Funny stuff. But so TRUE!

Apart from that, got to know EVERYONE'S name. =)) Its really good to know more DMC people. Haha. Networking eh Ms Kwa? But I feel kinda comfy in my group, heh. Maybe I need to mix around more. =P

Sharon & Rubez, thanks for the offer! Glad to get the chance to talk to you guys in the screening room.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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