Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Squash, Squash Mosquito!!!

How can someone be so irresponsible? There was supposed to be a group meeting, mosquito said yes, yes, I'm free, I can come. And today? When we call, mosquito is at Commonwealth. It took a lot not to shout out over the phone. Yuck! I mean, come on. Mosquito is going to pull the group down by not be responsible to attend meetings that she agreed to go to! And stop giving lame excuses. YOU KNOW very well we were having a meeting today. Sheesh!

Why do you keep changing your story? I have decided not to hang out dirty laundry today, I am being kind. But still, the changing story of today must be made public. First you tell her that you didn't know the meeting was confirmed. Is there a need to confirm a meeting for such an important project? It is IMPORTANT! Can it get anymore obvious? IMPORTANT, fine, you do not understand that word. I'll give you another. Major. Don't understand that too? Crucial. Ahhh, go look up or for goodness sake.

Like a friend pointed out, can't you take the initiative to ASK? We did talk about meeting yesterday and DON'T DENY it, you WERE there. Before going off today couldn't you have asked??? And then when I talked to you, you say you had a last minute call to work. Why the change in story? WHY??? Give me an explanation. Don't just give a million excuses and say sorry and yes, yes, yes! That's not what I require.

Ever heard, "Actions speak louder than words"? Yeah, show me, show the group you are putting in your best effort. You can say yes all you want when I ask that you do your best at your post and stuff, but we need to say it. You can say something and not mean it. Damn it! For all I know you had one hand with fingers crossed!!! Even the group leader, who had engagements back in her estate stayed behind to discuss with us. Frankly, do you even care? If you don't, why don't we exclude your name from our group eh? Would you like that? No right? I am human, I know how it feels. That's why I am trying to be nice to you.

But do not, DO NOT, take advantage of this niceness.

Yesterday was Kamesh's birthday. Happy Belated birthday! Yep, so we went to Swensen's to celebrate her birthday. The Swensen's at Crown Prince, next to Paragon. Heh, we all had fun celebrating. So, Mesh, you're legal age for alcohol now. Hope you had a good day. Suppose you were surprised at the MuffCakes eh? Heheh.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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