Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bad English?

Look at these rather funny signs and English errors.

At Dili Haat in Delhi:
Entry open from backside gate

At Mustafa Centre:
Around the World hores of cricket

Poh Kim VCD shop HarbourFront Centre:
Koren Drama

I've seen a few others but these are the ones that I have readily available through my camera or phone. Have a laugh!

Shout Outs:
Dak: Nail 'em exams aight? Get enough rest, stay healthy, don't stress out. ILUB.
Phyllis: A belated happy birthday to you!
Carol: I know I'm prolly not the one to say this, but don't let the mosquito get to you. Thanks for telling her that her actions are annoying. Don't feel upset aight? Heads up and stay strong.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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