Sunday, October 29, 2006

Colour my world

More pictures from my phone's camera. Heh.

EOF Lecture by ChinKY.
Everyone was pissed off.
What'd you expect?
MC students hate accounts.

Sakae Sushi @ Marine Square
with the gang (Regina refused pictures).

Kamesh: I'm healthy eating Donuts and Brocolli thank you.
Want some?

Vivo City becomes the favourite haunt.

I had another 12 hour snooze on Saturday. 1am to 1pm this time. Bah. 12 hour snoozes are awesome. Haha. But yeah, let's take a look at this week's craziness.

Scriptwriting due. I suspect Chet will change this since our peer appraisals for our concepts have yet to be sent to us. Scriptwriting seems to be falling behind schedule though. Mmmm.... =S

Claire's make up work for last Tuesday being a public holiday is for us to present last week's tutorial this week.

Creative Game Design presentation. 3 minutes only. Huh? 3 minutes?!

Understanding Cross Cultural Diversity. We oughta kill Wenda for making an already clogged up week even more clogged up. Sheesh. She asked us to prepare and present tutorial 6. Dr Sheh's class doesn't need to do that! Boo Wenda!

Media & Promotional Publicity pitching session. We have a 2 hour break following the presentation. Can rush out UCCD CA1 at the last minute then. Bah! UCCD report on Understanding Religions due by 5pm.

Then the following week is e-learning followed by common tests week. 13 weeks people, 13 weeks of school to go till 9 weeks of holidays. I just realised that if I save $10 a week for a whole year I'd end up $520 richer. Bah, not enough... Good thing we have holidays where I can rot at home and save extra, haha. But yeah, should I start looking for other ways to earn money? need more moolah if I want to finance travels.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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