Thursday, November 02, 2006

Crush Week

This is the crush week where everyone is rushing for something or other, be it projects or CAs. I just completed my UCCD report. Good riddance with it! I took so long to do it up, blah. Its finally done. Now I need to print it and look through it, edit it so that it can be ready for submission.

A BIG thanks to Janice and Jing Yi for volunteering to do the power point for UCCD tutorial 6. Having MPP at the end of the week can be good and bad at the same time.

MPP pitching session is on Friday and I'm one of the presenters. Actually, I'm the "pitcher" so to speak. Sigh. Which means braving up to the course director and looking confident and all that stuff I have to tackle when presenting. I need to get over the nerves. A chill just went down my spine. Who'm I kidding? Sooner or later we'll have to do presentations, and not just to classmates but to clients.

Its the year 3 ICM presentations that woke me up really. I only then realised that we had to step up and speak up. And presentations are something you need to work at or else you're not going to get better at it. Yesterday was one, today was one. And Friday is another. Another thanks to Janice and Jing Yi for volunteering to present tomorrow.

Sigh, this week is draining. And its not like next week is a holiday exactly. What with assignments and being down for a lot of stuff... Then followed by common tests week with spec dip still on at Ms. Peter's insistance that classes continue even though it is common tests week.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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