Saturday, December 23, 2006


If you have watched both types of The Apprentice (The Apprentice Donald Trump & The Apprentice Martha Stewart), you'd find them to be two really different shows. The editing is key. Let me show you.

The Apprentice: Donald Trump intro video (season 5):

The Apprentice: Martha Stewart intro video:

Try thinking what the Donald version would be like if you played it with the Martha music. Oh goodness, hers doesn't even sound like its a show about finding an apprentice at all! Its, like the opening of an Oprah show featuring Martha Stewart. Donald's is better in this case I'd say.

Boardrooms are also pretty different. Martha calls hers a conference room.

The Apprentice: Donald Trump boardroom:

The Apprentice: Martha Stewart conference room:

As you can see, one is dark and one is bright. Martha's version seems kinda like an easy thing to breeze through compared to Donald's. I liked her line "You're just not working for me" though. She could have been more mean and then maybe her show would've had the punch it needed to get signed on for another season. Donald however, comes across as unduly forceful and domineering. He isn't on the floor where the action is so how does he know if a person really did screw up? Mehh, just go look at the episode in season 3 where Angie was fired.

And now, about how busy I have been....

Classmates (Ifah, Carol, Kamesh, Arisya, Nad, Weijie, Zhili, Gajan) and Sharmil and Farid came over and we had fun playing pictionary and heart attack and eating and watching MTV (the guy with man boobs who had to run is something hard to forget). Then went out to get a gift for Friday's gift exchange. While waiting for Halimah a.k.a. Santa's Helper, Nad spotted Mr. Hady "Singapore Idol" Mirza. So she and Arisya and Farid and Zhili went to take a picture with him while I stood on the side taking the pictures for them. I shook hands with Mr. Idol and he then walked off and blended with the hoards of people there.

Met Miriam, Yessie, Shwee and Esther and had another fun day. Pictionary and heart attack again and then some videos that had us laughing. Go watch the "New Llama Song". Llama llama duck. Heh (Miriam, it's still in my head!!!! Sorta like how Black Sunday's tone is still in my head). Then off to church and on the 30th we're having Jalan Kayu Roti Prata. At night, went out with Jon for supper. Awesome bike riding once again.

BBQ with Wai Wai and Sister Esther's section. Loads of pictures, gift exchange and some quite well done food (thank you Gracia, Ying Min, Yuen Ying, Andre and whoever else who cooked). Yep, that's about it the past few days. Blah.


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