Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Crocs and Issues & The Rain

My mom says that the Crocs brand of shoes look good on kids. They're meant for kids? Well, the lastest fashion trend I suppose. Adults like them too but I don't like the way Crocs look. Anyway, not so recently there have been a spat of publicised incidents involving children and Crocs which leads to the question "Are Crocs safe to wear?" Yes, says the company. But would you expect them to say otherwise anyway? Fine, so if Crocs cater to kids and kids don't know escalator safety, why are Crocs still being manufactured? Or rather, why do parents let kids wear them?

I think its kind of ironic that Crocs are made for kids and the company tells the public its the user who should use it safely when they are targeting kids who, by nature, do NOT act safely. I remember when my brother and I were little and we were playing when he got hurt badly. Kids DO those kinds of things. Fine, maybe they are saying that parents should be the ones. Mehh, only the problem was realised after a 2-year old girl lost her big toe eh?

It's been raining the whole day today. While most people hate it, I actually like it. It's really cool now and feels like winter. Ahh, probably my imagination of what winter is like but not really is. But still, you don't really need any forms of cooling today, not the fan, not the air conditioner. Just the plain breeze. I still do turn on the fan and open the windows and then I get chided by my mom who says she's not a cold blooded person like me and then switches off the fan. Tonight will be a cosy night!


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