Saturday, December 16, 2006


Episode 13: I have the advantage for once
RC: Ozzy, Parvati, Yul
Exiled: Adam
IC: Ozzy
Booted: Parvati

Episode 12: Arranging a hit
RC: Parvati, Adam, Sundra
Exiled: Jonathan
IC: Ozzy
Booted: Jonathan

The Aitu Force sticks together another episode. Raro is down miserably to 1 player. The twists thrown at these newbies this season were good TV.

1) Division by ethnicity
2) Mutiny option
3) Final tribal council of 3 finalists
4) Jury of 9 players

I'm assuming that the right of passage will still remain at the final 3. ROP = where they remember all other contestants.

This season's tribes:
Puka Puka

Jeff Probst said that there were 3 romances. Were they Candice <-> Adam, Candice <-> Billy and Nate <-> Parvati? Cause Nate <-> Parvati wasn't that obvious. Maybe Becky <-> Yul? Hahah.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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