Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Enough is enough

Enough junk food and sweet drinks. I've been pigging on these, so no wonder my weight has been on the high end. Or what I call the high end which equals to my usual weight. Blah. OH oh oh, there's also this 2nd Link Bridge Run. I dunno whether to sign up for it or not. There's 2 categories, the competitive 10 km run and the 10 km fun run. Its this Sunday. So if I were to go, it'd be for the fun run and not the competitive surely. No way I can train and be good enough in what? 6 days? No way hose!

It'd be a good foot to get off on the healthy eating and dieting eh? And then when I move on Wednesday that same week, hopefully the swimming and gymming can start too. I need to get regular exercise not like the way I'm going now. At least it'll be walking 20 minutes to school and another 20 minutes back home. Enough is enough, enough junk food and sweet drinks. All, please do help me. Cut down on carbs too! Decrease input, increase output.


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