Monday, November 06, 2006

E-learning week

Another semester, another e-learning week. Life has its constants and variables, no? I've got all my songs playing of shuffle mode and its Coldplay's Beautiful World. That was a nice song. Blah, it gave way to American Idiot. Its like, the soothing emotistic sounds gave way to some punkish rock. Haha, what a total difference eh?

Tomorrow I'm supposed to help Frederick to buy and carry back his new books. Why not wait till we move so we only need to move these books once? Ah well.... But yeah, today was kind of a contemplative day. Spent the day thinking a lot about something and I came to the conclusion that I think about it too much and that if there's a will there's a way. So yeah, Heads Up and Stay Strong! Eh? ;)

Dear Nana,
I dunno, things seem to be going by so fast. I'm starting to claw to the days as they go by. I don't feel like growing up, I don't want to end poly-life. Its like L... I'm pretty much contented to be a student forever. But that's life eh? Time is weird, its been so long, yet such a short time... I mean, looking back, its like you've been gone for so long. But when I look at it again, its not even Christmas. Damn, I miss you so much.


Dear bro,
There's so much I'd love to say, but I can never find how to express it. Y'know, I still miss ya. A lot. Sigh, I know yer there, we just gotta continue eh? Things were easier when you were here, you know what I mean. But I just remembered what you said, and that's right. I should hold onto that eh? I dunno how many times I've said it, but I'll say it again - thank you bro. Take care.

Kid bro.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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