Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Reality Check

Okay, anyways, I was just talking to Laine on meebo then suddenly it hit me like a tonne of bricks or a bus just rammed into me - I'm going back to school soon. Mehh, its been nearly 2 months. Yeah, I do miss everyone back home and all but I also like it here. Its like the decision of the century only that there is no decision to be made and only one option. Anyway, here's what this whole 7 weeks has been about...

The above picture is what the client deals with. Those are the Super Panamax cranes. Really huge things. Like, the lowest horizontal bar is 40 feet up in the air. Talk about high eh? And when not in use, the boom bar is pulled upright for safety issues. With it extended, wow, its gotta be long. I started out just observing what they were working on, which was a corporate video for the client. I attended some client meetings, saw how meetings were conducted.

Then after that I moved onto the real annoying stuff - the RSVPs with the RSVP team. Elaine, Ash, Ezra, Dave and I. Selvi was there sometimes, but usually it was the 5 of us. Writing, calling, photocopying, faxing, checking, sealing, mailing. Staying up till the wee hours. It might've been stressful but it was fun somehow.

Then there were the times we brought our work everywhere with us. Imagine doing work in coffee bean eh? *sigh* Yeah, that's how bad it got. 1 hour-nighters and stuff like that. Mostly due to me being the only one who had the key among the 5 of us so no matter what I had to wake up by 8am to open the office so we could be there to answer in-coming calls even if we weren't making out-going calls.

This trip was also spending numerous hours with Laine, going crazy, and taking lots of pictures. This was in Decanter, the work place of "Floppy" and "Abu" and the most famous line of all - 'one scone is actually five scones'. Huh? Yup, someone actually said that. What they meant was one order is five scones, they don't sell anything below that. Lol. "I like Abu" kinda made us stick to eating lunch in Decanter. So much so that the staff knew us quite well I'd say and would stop to chat from time to time when getting the bill and stuff. That kinda answers my question of why were we always blowing money away eating there when the mamak is less than 10 minutes walking distance... Heh.

And also about reconnecting with "long lost" friends. Really glad that I did go ahead and call Justin the day I did. If not, they'd only exist in the online world and in memories and photographs. But this is us trying out some of the camera features, basically going nuts if you haven't already guessed. But yes, good times eh?

Speaking of good times, the RSVP team and our cookout and our idle chit-chat on so many things. Like Ezra's boyfriends for instance. Haha. The final day of work and stuff like that. Oh, and the curtains! Will remember Ezra's chicken though, I feeling like eating it again! And Ash and her funnies, that I'll remember too.

But what would it be if I updated everything about this trip in one post eh? Right! So I'm gonna collect more photos and update them in the next few days.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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