Thursday, August 04, 2005

Tricky Thursday

Song of today: Clumsy [Our Lady Peace]

Happy Birthday (Judge) See Jun! Gah, today’s, just, today. Okay, I kind of feel bad. Yeah, well yesterday there was this talk we were supposed to attend. Guess what? Everyone except me plans not to go. So, me, being the only one that had decided to go backs out at the last moment cause it would be too weird to be the lone 05-er there. Besides, what was I going to say about the other 17?

And yes, I was with ZJ and WJ. They ended up going for the talk cause they saw rival 02 in full attendance. Sigh, there’s a make up lesson on Monday which I had planned to skip school. And the school gives this stupid memo about students being able to skip only 3 classes per sem lest they get only a passing grade. Urrrgh! Its just annoying! And ZJ and WJ will be getting extra marks. My school results are sucky… Bleah…Guys, don't take me wrongly, I am mad at myself, not anyone in DMC1A05 okay?

What can I do to pull things up? Besides, it doesn’t help that I nearly slept during the ICP lecture. A few of the others actually went to sleep. And Kam Lin says that we should listen to what she says because her examples are more updated and stuff, but we are so drowsy its next to impossible to listen to her no matter what. The mass media theories are incredibly boring too. I wonder how I will be able to memorise everything in time for the exams. =/

Heard some of the older students call the lecturers by their first names. I am SO NOT used to that, lol. I am still going around and calling them by their family names and such, it’s a bit uncomfortable to call Ms. Nga, Doris. Sounds as though she is your best friend. Although I do refer to Ms. Hui as Kam Lin on the blog and stuff, I DO NOT call her that in reality. She is just Ms. Hui.

Hey! Innocent by OLP – I have heard this one sometime before. I like all the 5 songs I have. =)) Thanks to the person that introduced me to OLP and to Arisya for giving me the first song. ;)

Sigh. Thinking again of sleeping in Kam Lin’s lecture, makes me want to sleep now. Sheesh, I dunno, but its become a habit to take afternoon naps. I must be deprived of sleep… Ah well, am gonna doze….

Hmmm, good rest, lol. Yep, so anyway, just used the laptop to capture a movie for the first time, haha. It was for mom and kind of boring. Who wants to see her poly students doing presentations anyway? I’ve had enough of them myself!

She’s either complaining or praising them when she tells me about her students, even though I’m watching TV. Its mostly the former and how incompetent her students are when it comes to their assignments because they don’t listen apparently. Try as I do, I can’t defend them forever. I don’t know why I even bother. Haiz….

Shout outs:
L: Good to know that yer exams are now over and you can relax a bit. =)
Dak: Yo. How’s the summer going?
Dame: You must be really, really busy eh? Hope yer doing okay.
Fano: Thanks for reading.
Xin Le and ZhiLi: Thanks for visiting.
Nicole: Thanks for the information on how many lessons I can skip. =))


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