Monday, September 19, 2005

A great, good day

Song of today: Come Clean [Hillary Duff]

I dunno, today feels like old times. No worries. Just sailing through the day. probably not helped by listening to the tracks on my MP3. Heheh. Anyway, yeah. Its just a really good day, relaxed even. I don't feel rushed or anything. For once I am relaxing (when I am not supposed to). Heheh. Maybe I can do more of this during the holidays. It feels good. But, dang, exams are coming. What am I doing relaxing now? Lol.

Updated the cafe blog, my wishlist has grown eh? Grown a lot. But so far, I have 2 items struck off already. :D Hopefully, my parents will be able to strike off another one sometime soon. *wide grin* Haha, let's just wait and see. *stares at mom*

"Never gone...." I love this track. I am in such a good mood today. :D I suppose you can judge by all the ":D"s around right? "You will be never gone..."

"Always close, everyday, every step of the way...."
This track along with Incomplete warrant a purchase of the BSB album. Man, they are good. *Remembers buying the long-lost Millenium CD*

Ah well. 7 lectures more till I complete revision for ICP. Gotta get ready to go to Kovan. :D Hmmm, dinner... Never thought about that actually. I gotta leave by 5.30pm to get there by 6.30... Andonly ate 2 bacon sandwiches today. I think this is a new record, lol. And y'know, only 2 slices of bread, not 4. ;)

Shout outs:
Ata-gal: Hey, cast yer burdens to God. Hope the Footprints poem makes ya feel better. :D
Dame: Once again, Footprints is used to help someone. Shows the power of that poem. Thanks for pointing me to it. :D
Yen Hao: Thanks for clearing my mind on the mass media theories, seems clear now. 0_0 What did you do? Yer not even a media student!
L: Hey, cuz! Long time no hear from ya. How's things goin with Mr. Blur-and-I'm-not-talking?

PS: Mercy Me is on and I have not heard them for so long! Mercy ME! Thanks to Dame for intro-ing me to them too!!!



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