Saturday, November 19, 2005

Survivor's nearly ending....

Survivor today rocked. Awesome episode. =D

Episode 10: Eating and Sleeping with the enemy
The title is kinda misleading. I suppose it refers to the reward that Judd, Gary, Step-On-Me, and Danni won. A night's stay at a private house (hence eating and sleeping with the enemy, Gary & Danni Yaxha against Step-On-Me & Juddhead Nakum). Jamie was such a prick. Hey, it's aliteration! Paranoid prick!!! Whoooo. Haha. I'm glad yer off. =P

Episode 11: Everything Is Personal
Prediction: Gary is out.
Title is a quote from Judd. They voted Jamie out this episode, so I 'm guessing next time round Judd will blow his top that his ally is gone and he wasn't informed. He will take it out on Gary. Cause Gary is there when he would have been voted out. And without immunity he is still there. Hence my prediction of Gary's ousting.

Episode 12: Price Of Immunity
Analysis: I have a feeling this is Judd's ousting. He wins immunity in ep11 and since he did so then, they couldn't vote him off. But in ep12 he doesn't win immunity, thus making him the target to oust. I hope he goes. Soon.

Good news though, for suvivor junkies. S12 is supposedly airing Feb 6. CBS has ordered S13 and S14 to be filmed, securing another year and a half for Survivor. YAY!



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