Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Useless websites

Okay, I shall try to look at this positively. =)

I'm trying to do research for the DVPA CA1, which we are supposed to select a soft drink and well, make a story board of the commercial. Yep. And yeah, we're supposed to make it hip and fun so it'll be targeted at teenagers. No use doing the likes of Coca-Cola or Pepsi since they're fiercely marketed brands/products and our concepts would look pathetic compared to the professionals. Anyway, yeah, so I chose Sprite Lemon Storm.

Now, it is extremely hard to get, firstly, a picture of the bloody bottle. Secondly, there's no information about Sprite Lemon Storm on the Sprite website. All there is on the main Sprite website is this hiphop stuff that has no relation to Sprite's products. And then the Singapore Sprite site, worse still. Just some competition thingy. Like, WT_? Looks like I'll have to settle for something like Sprite Ice or those Sprite Remixes from the USA eh? Hmmm.... Concept on the other hand, now I need a concept....

Oh bother...... Make up for econs, at an unearthly hour of 5pm on a Wednesday. Wednesday is GEMs (General Elective Module) day, which means all fixed lessons end at 12. For those who have chosen to have GEMs on Wednesday (over say, Thursday or Tuesday), the GEM is at 1.00pm to 3.00pm. Not too bad for those who DO have GEMs. What about those who DON'T have GEMs? 5 hour break again eh? Aiks...

IVP was a fun lesson today. Like, how do you go pro-censorship? Geez... I'm more like anti-censorship. Let's make some choices eh? Uhm, I think its more towards letting the public make the choices regarding the films they watch, be it like, uhm, how do I say this...? Be it semi-political (am I allowed to say semi-political? 0_0 ) or what-not. Oh yeah, and we are supposed to set up a group blog. Like how cool's that? Heheh. The group's name is OHP. Yeah, we got that from starring at an Over Head Projector, how cool eh? ;)



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