Saturday, November 12, 2005

I won, I won!!!

Yeehaw! I won the bet, Mesh owes me a lunch now. ;)

Prediction as of today for next week's elimination: Jamie Newton

Also, now I can post at the We Heart Shaun blog, thanks to ZL. :D

Today, NW was kinda dry (as usual). FUNE, okay. At least we're getting somewhere at my understanding of the concepts. I haven't looked at the tutorial #2 yet though. I don't feel very much up to doing it today although I shoudl complete the homework before the Saturday-Sunday weekend. Sigh.... Damn this supposedly-on-coming flu. Sucks...

Anyway, Friday... Survivor day, so... Of course, I talk about Survivor. Episode 9, "Secrets and Lies and an Idol surprise", was a good one. The reward challenge, that was interesting. Jamie, hmmm... Did he mean that? I'm keeping my eye on you. And don't forget, Steph wants to get you off. Beware. Immunity was good, knew Rafe would mess up on the rope crossing thing. He jsut can't handle that. But he gave JAMIE the immunity. Sucks!

Episode 10: Sleeping and Eating with the enemy
Episode 11: Everything is personal

Episode 10
I think this has got to do with the Yax against the Naks. Do Danni and Gary feel left out, minorit-alised? Or do they manage to break into the Nakum alliance. I'd think not. But, I need the web teasers to get on with this.

Episdoe 11
Sounds like Judd again. Or does someone have a grudge that they attack someone personally? Is this Judd's exit? Or Jamie? Hmmm.... Food for thought.



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