Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Aight, firstly, let me get the survivor analysis done and over with. =D

Episode 8: The Hidden Immunity Idol

- Tribes merge to Xhakum tribe (pronounced as Sha-koom)

Gary: I have a feeling yer gone this episode. I think I'll keep voting for you till you go out. I don't think you'll revert to the old Yaxha tribe alliance. There may be a lot of politicking. Come on, get out so Mesh will hafta treat me to lunch!
Jamie: I think yer second out. At any rate, I'm giving you two episodes more, and by episode 10 I don't wanna see ya on. Except jury duty of course... You don't have enough people skills for the game. Are you happy yer top 8 as you predicted?
Bobby Jon: Hapy you made merge? Happy I predict yer second jury member? You've got a target on yer back and congrats on making it to the merge!
Brandon: I think yer gonna be the 4th ousted from the Xhakum tribe. Yer a physical threat to them guys and I see them voting off the threats early on. What I see is Rafe and Lydia and maybe Cindy banding with Danni, Judd and Steph. Either Judd and Steph will win the immunities to grab it from the above mentioned 4 so that you can be voted off. Then its cannibalising.
Judd: Your ignorance will be your demise... Man.
Cindy: This is the hard part, thinking of where to place everyone in the boot order now. Yer the first to go of the remaining five.
Steph: No way they'll let ya win.
Lydia: Rafe has brains he'll use 'em.
Rafe and Danni: Final 2? I dunno. I'm randoming going.

Sigh... There's so many things you can and will want in life eh? Oh well... I wish, I want. Its natural. Here's some of mine...
I wish I were more fit than I am and less lazy to exercise (Wei Jie, group exercise? lol)
I wish I had $2000 which I could use on a holiday to North America. (JP, willing to host still? Ava?)
If I could change things about myself physically, I'd wanna change my hair (hate the curly wig) and my height (damn I'm short).
I wish I had a Canon Ixus, keep remembering every time the ads play (ah well, what to do?).

Rambled on enough. Now I need to shut up.



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