Thursday, October 27, 2005

Annoyingest thing

Post title is quoted from Judd "Big mouth Juddhead" Sergeant off Survivor: Guatemala. He was talking about being awakened by the howler monkey's call (yeah man, you Gorilla can't stand yer own monkey kind man!). :P

Anyway, was just banging out this email to an aunt in Australia when my fingers hit "ctrl" and some other key and the whole email window closes. Damn. Its annoying. I spent at least 10 minutes typing non-stop and the thing is gone without any record now. Gah. I'll send it again in the morning. And it was so close to being completed too. Just great eh?

PS: Sorry no shout outs so far, dunno what to say if I did have 'em. Aight, here's a general one for shout out sakes, spread the love.



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