Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Back to school

Statement: Parents are suckers.
Do you agree or do you not agree? =P

Yes they are at times. Today my rents are suckers. Big time suckers. Yep. Silly fools. Mom and I have a sort of argument about going out tonight. Why? Cause dad forgets he has dinner duty at 6.30pm and at 6pm mom's hustled all of us out of the house. She shut down the com well I was changing and so my IM convos with L and Nic were closed without my seeing what was said (thanks a lot lady!). I would have told them bye and all and shut down. Anyway, soon after, dad realises that he has dinner duty. He wants to go back and mom says no, we'll all go buy dinner home. Sucker!

What's the use of ALL of us going out and buying dinner HOME. And then she asks me to cut onions for her with the excuse she's tired. I decline, I have a choice. I am tired too, slept about 2 hours plus this evening. But no, she gives me a choice and gets mad when I decline. The keyword is "choice". Get it? Oh well, what can I do right?

Anyway, back to school today. DMC1B05. 20 students. 1 PTN. Two new additions, a tranferee and a repeatee. Lol, as if there's "transferee" or "repeatee". Anyway, Jonathan Chan is repeating this sem's modules and Mei Ling transfered in from 01. Haha, welcome to DMC05, the friendliest DMC class (and may I add, class of the year). Lol.

News Writing - Claire Ng - She's new, yeah, but she seems to know what she's talking about. Look forward to her classes.

Fundamentals Of Economics - Tan Lusia - Taking us for both lectures and tutorials, seems rather temperamental, no nonsense, no fun type. Very prim, very proper. I don't think I like her. What I heard from other(s) is that she may be insecure. When you get an MC she thinks you don't want to attend her class. She also berates you when you do things wrong. Then again, I was talking to someone who didn't do well...

Introduction to Public Relations and Advertising - Andrew Ang - Snoozefest! Like FUNE, he's taking us for both lectures and tutorials. I nearly fell asleep in lecture one. Bah. You talk too much. Possibly has a worse sleep inducing voice than Kam Lin. Yeck!

Issues and Viewpoints - Sanjay Perera - I like him. He's taught in Canada too! Eh! Lol. Lemme field him questions about tertiary education there. Oh, he's from Vancouver, I gather, great! Ava's side. Heheh. But he makes a dry, dull 3 hour tutorial fun. Coolness! Going to be possibly one of my favourite modules this sem.

Nicole, Dione, Alison, Ifah, Arisya, See Jun, Xin Le, Kamesh, Wei Jie, Zhao Jie, Shaun, Gajan, Kay Miang, Reg, Nad, Zhi Li & Carol, good to see you guys after a month. =D

Shout outs:
Dak: Happy Halloween dude. Hope you had a good day back home. Enjoy yerself and don't fall sick. ;)
Dame: Hope you had a good halloween yerself. Must've been fun yer side.
Fano: Hope, that's something I was telling L she needs. We'll get scarecrow boy yet eh? ;)
L: Just cling onto hope. Take it easy, don't expect much and you won't be dissapointed. It can work either way, for good or for bad. Lt it take its course, cry as much as you need. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger (from someone you know). Hugs cuz.



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