Friday, November 04, 2005

Break again

Happy Hari Raya all. I'm tired again. Musta slept a lot today though, spent the whole afternoon sleeping. Till my mom got mad cause she wanted to go out and in the end I didn't go. Sigh.

Has anyone realised how hard it is to save money during term time at Poly? I try to tell my mom but she don't listen. $50/week is just not enough. I', outta cash as it is already, thank goodness tomorrow we end at 12 so I can go home and eat. =D

Otherwise... Sigh. I can't save. Its just bewildering the way you spend money... Eating, bills... And at the end of the week you've spent $50 already. And mom tells me I have to manage. Sigh. No wonder my bank account has very little money. I'm not gonna touch the money in there, I'm not gonna touch the money in there, I'm not gonna touch the money in there!

Also, the past few days have been freakin' hot although its supposed to be the monsoon season right now. Bah. Hot, hot, hot... I want cold weather for a change, don't care if it rains or what not, just give me cooler temperatures. Or give me air conditioning at night. Its stiffling at night, bleah.

Man U lost to someone... Again.. Dang.

Survivor is on tomorrow. Let me lose myself in it. Till next time..............



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