Friday, February 03, 2006

Episode 1: The First Exile

Episode 1 was good. I think in terms of characters, interesting. We have a few "off" people. As in, uh, they seem to not be there in terms of their minds. Lol.

Cirie - Scared of leaves. LOL! You signed up for Survivor dear. You HAVE to live out there, leaves and all. Basically, she was scared of the creepy crawlies she'd find under them. I think it was good for her to have this Survivor experience by being out there and learning about the environment, it will give her a new perspective.

Courtney - The whole turtle tribute thing. Oh boy... Yer a man down, so, you need to stop wasting time about poor dead turtles and get on yer shetler. Yeah, it may have been nice to be out in the Pearl Islands on the first day, new place, nice scenery, nice beach. But you also have to remember, yer playing for a million bucks. That's a lot of money to be wasting time.

Melinda - Your voice... Its creepy. And the way you held yerself at Tribal Council, OMG! Hillarious. When Cirie said people like her should stay on the couch at home, you were like "Oh, I agree totally" in that goody two shoes, prim and proper voice. As for not getting on people's nerves, try a different voice. It would grate on them less (and on me too).

The theme is great. A nice combo of Borneo, Pearl Islands and Guatemala. Good job Russ Landau. Oh, its not totally a combo like All Stars, it still has its own element. Like the beginning yell (o-way yah), the subtle drums and that woman screaming (Ooooooooooo-ooooooooh!) at the end. Very tastefully done.

I'll post some vidcaps up later on then, from the intro. Its kinda fast moving and if you watch it, you might even get the feeling that its rushed. Okay, for media people, we tend to look at other things than just the overall video. Its actually timed quite nicely to tie in with the music. When the music changes, so does the image.

About the episode. Very intense. Better story building than in recent seasons (Guatemala, Palau). You feel as though you got to know what each contestant was like in terms of personality, etc. Maybe it has to do with the numbers? This season its back to the original format of 16 people. Perhaps its better that way, to keep it at 16 people eh? let's see, for how many seasons have we strayed away from the number 16? We've had All Stars, Vanuatu, Palau and Guatemala. That's 4 seasons. Its a nice change to have 16 people again. Makes it easier to recognise the players too.

Oh my, how I ramble! Lol. Forgive me. I'm just caught up in the premiere episode. Lol. Anyway, yeah. The exiling was done nicely and covered nicely too. Misty struck me as rather coniving, she's sneaky. And wow, who would've imagine her eat an earthworm like that? Certainly not me! I thought she was too girly to do stuff like that.

Then the reward challenge. this was pure luck. You either get it or you don't at all. The immunity challenge, a bit more skill here. Nick couldn't release the rope for the raft, hmmm.... Bayoneta surprised me.

As for tribe and camp life, the older women (Casaya) bonded quickly and had really good time management. I suppose this can be attributed to Tina. The older men (La Mina), they worked well too. As I expected, Dan made a pact (if not an alliance) with Terry. And Shane did feel that he didn't fit in, while Bruce was comfortable. So, let's see how it carries out.

Over at Bayoneta, I got the feeling that Courtney wasn't well liked by either Danielle or Sally. She may get along better with Misty. And as for Viveros... Hmmm, I expected more from them. More organisation, more get go. I suppose they're young men and behave like teenagers would, lol. Playing baseball eh? Booby looked like an outsider coming to visit rather than one of the tribe. When Aras attempted to instill some team morale, Bobby was not there.

Ruth Marie


Before I leave off, here's some notes and predictions.
Okay, so I didn't predict correctly on who they'd boot first.
Dissolving to two tribes, I think they will be La Mina and Casaya tribes. Viveros and Bayoneta will cease to exist.
Cirie and Shane land on the same tribe?
Tribe pickers, Terry and Ruth Marie?

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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