Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Connect '06

Fever. Jive. Boogie Woogie. Staying Alive. Cha Cha. Groovy. Limbo Rock. Grease.

Those were the names of the 8 groups of Connect '06. Which was mine? Limbo Rock! We merged with Groovy, whose facs (facilitators) who were Ifah and Xin Le. I'm proud of my group! They were great juniors, very spontaneous and energetic. They won the mass games and came in second for the mass acting. But they didn't stop there, they also produced BOTH the best actor and actress!

You guys rock, Groovy Limbos! Yeah, Connect, as usual, was a fun event to be part of. Not that it didn't have its flaws, but it was not bad I'd say. although things did go wrong and stuff didn't happen as it was supposed to, I think we still pulled it off. My group said they had a good time and they were nice to invite us to share their prizes. Cool!

Hmmm, Connect was good in that the games were great for building up the group, the acting was different. The prizes were way better than last year, offering a year's subscription to the teenage magazine Seventeen and loads and loads of food and even food vouchers.

However, it seemed a bit disorganised though. Students were divided into groups randomly on the spot. And since we didn't have an attendance sheet per group, it was rather hard to keep track of our group members. The theme of retro didn't really tie into the games, decor or acting either.

But that's enough criticism from me! I enjoyed being a fac at the event and getting the first hand opportunity to interact with the year 1s. Cool buncha dudes and dudettes. Some can really surprise ya.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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