Saturday, May 13, 2006

Think straight, Think straight!

Okay, had time to think things straight through. Thanks Carol for the reassurance. Yeah, we'll get it done yeah? I prolly over reacted as usual. Yeah, I yelled at my rents after typing that out. I dunno, maybe its seeing 01 having done their draft 1 already and consulted Ms Kwa. Ahhh. But slow and steady can also win a race. Like I myself said, rushing is no good.

WJ, thanks for the words man. Yer sensible dude. That's true. I just need to get my thoughts straight. Too many things can get the better of us, and we shouldn't allow them to do so.

Lydia, yer right too. Thanks to you as well. I mean, no use wasting time and energy getting mad at stuff like Mosquito right? Okay, ready to face MMR now. Ahh, I hate over reacting. I suck.

I think tomorrow we really need to plan what to do and I should prolly check myself in future before I react to anything. Ahhh, so embarassing that! Ok, focus and we'll get it done. I can do this.

I just worked up too easily. And Ms Kwa, I was not insulting yer module. Heh. Well, the media industry is going to have everything we are dealing with now and more. Politics, nastiness, deadlines, stress. Its all part and parcel of our preparation to face the working world with what we have got. Behavior like mine just makes things worse. Ala, Stacey J in Apprentice 2 who freaked out her team mates by "stressing" on the first task. And stressing out BADLY too.

Carol, sorry about all the jumping to conclusions and stuff. I need rest I think. No use pushing and draining till there's nothing usefull left aight? Thanks everyone, and sorry. My behavior is totally shit.


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