Thursday, May 18, 2006


Current Music: Somewhere Out There [Our Lady Peace]

The week's like half over. This is week 5 of the term. We have only 7 weeks in school before going off for break and e-learning week. Wow. I didn't know that the weeks flew by. It seems like its been ages since we started school, ages since we started projects like MMR...

This week passed so far, I forgot that L promised to message me when Ava arrived in KL... I wonder how she is, poor gal. Oh, right, I didn't explain why... Anyway, she was engaged to Mike. They were supposed to get married in July. But their wedding and marriage has been postponed indefinitely. She's depressed. Sigh. Hard eh?

Tonight was kinda fruitful. I've helped some people with stuff. And yeah, is it just me? Or do I like helping people, lol. Had some time to talk to DMC people today, and all those who were on my friendster profile got a testimonial from me. Exceptions were Xin Le and Ifah, sorry guys, friendster was playing up and didn't allow me to send you guys one. Ahhh, friendster sucks la. Heh.

But yeah, it was a good night for most part. After taking that panadol, the headache's worn off. Ok, so we can soon look forward to the holidays. Get those surveys done and then we can relax some... I think...

What do I wanna do then? There's that Pulau Rawa trip mom's kinda dragging me to. Then there's the old Cafe meeting. Hmmm, I should get my hair done. Oh, yeah, Vid team training. Haiz, I wouldn't mind going out with the gem friends. Or Cawo, Mesh and Xin Le. Hmmm........

Happy 10th month Dak.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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