Thursday, May 25, 2006

X-men: The Last Stand

Since I'm on, might as well blog. Let's begin with the morning. Today was a good - bad day.

IHRP class & presentation. Yes, so I am no more Mrs. Coco Lat! YEAY! At least I made everyone happy la. Hahahaha. And yeah, I'm glad I pulled it off. I looked damn weird in a skirt though. =S

DMA, left 15 seconds to close my trailer. Have an idea how to. I need a thumb drive.... I need to edit the transitions. Bad Day, decided to use that song. Zhili also is using that song, hmm, ok. No offence ZL.

Next we went to Queensway to eat Laksa. Since I was broke, Reg treated me for helping figure out the SPSS so quickly. And yes, of course Mozzie tagged along. The whole time, was wishing she wasn't there. For the record, OM groups which were drawn by lots are damn mad... I am in the same MMR group minus Xin Le and Mesh. Gaaaah! Mozzie, go away! Don't suck blood..... *dies*

Came back, stuck in the library since 3-.30 reading up Decision Making for the OM test. I hope I do well. Made some stupid errors. I wrote the stuff on the question paper so I wouldn't forget yet I did. Slap my face someone.

Went with Reg, Xin Le and her friend Gordon to watch X-men 3. It was, uhm, okay. Lots of action, but I walked away kinda dissapointed. So many deaths!

And the new honour roll for semester 2 is out and I'm not on it. Okay, I won't try to be all diplomatic and stuff. I was kinda dissapointed not to be on it. Sigh. NEVERTHELESS, congrats Shawn, Arisya, Phyllis and Jessica. Good job maintaining yer standings there. *high 5s y'all*

Dang tired, still have FW stuff to print and type and think about gah.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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