Wednesday, May 24, 2006

To be or not to be...?

Lets get to reality. DMC is a competitive course. The world is competitive. This country favours the elite. Well, that'sthe question. To be competitive or not to be. Do we have a choice? I was just looking at things today and realised my own competitive spirit speaking up. Sigh.

I mean, its things like these that get to you. You have some information on an upcomign test, like possible questions you know might come up. You have the option to tell some friends of yours and the option not to. Which do you do? Say you really like those friends. Do you keep the info to yourself and use it to your advantage or do you go ahead and tell them?

Maybe its just me... Ah, why'd I have to bother with such stuff? And here I am writing for FW "Live a a life without regrets"... How hipporitical! Gah!

Moving on, MMR presentation was on today. I've sorta found new respect for Reg. She was sick, but she still came for the presentation. I mean, she didn't know the time and took the train down. We called her and she realised that she would not make it on time if she continued on the train, so... She jumped out of the train and hopped into a cab and came in when we were about half way through the presentation.

The fact that she came down impressed me. And not only that, rushing out of a train to get a cab. Certainly scored points with me.

Who do we classify as annoying? Irritating? Am I irritating to others? At home, its no hard question. What about out of home? I know mom gets irritated with me and Fred going at each other's throats all the time (ok, so I'm exaggerating...). Hmmm, what IS my self image???


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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