Saturday, May 20, 2006


Okay, so I've noticed that some people are observant. Hmmm.... They observe trends and try to figure out stuff. Haiz. No, its not about that I don't like doing stuff, sometimes I just need to do different stuff. Thanks for understanding. =)) No offense aight? None at all.

MMR deadline is drawing near, at least we've made some progress. Though, on priorities, I could say that some need improvements. Haiz, group dynamics eh?

What's going to carry me through the week would be awaiting Ava's visit on Friday. Ava is coming!!! Excited. Heh. Well, we'll think of what to do when she's here. LSC, CONB and DMA CAs done! Yeay! Now, the next few... Hmm, to work! To work!


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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