Tuesday, November 07, 2006

M18! M18! M18!

Today the spec dippers went to watch "The Departed" as part of scriptwriting class. It was fun really although the class didn't exactly spend very much time together. Let's talk about the movie first. Okay, so I watched my first M18 movie legally faster than my first NC16 movie. It felt kinda good, lol.

The movie was vuglar and graphic. Haha, that was new for me. All the f***in kinda made it hard for me to follow the dialogue though. But got used to it after awhile. The Departed is an acquired taste I'd say. The movie moves linearly but it doesn't appear so. Quick cuts make it seem fast paced at the beginning but then the scenes get longer and longer.

The ending was good. I kinda liked it. Haha. I suppose since its on its end run, its safe for me to say? Aight, aight. Let's use the highlight still shall we? The sudden twists, one after the other and the avenging then closing with the shot of the rat on the balcony. Cheeky! Haha.

Being media students, we cannot help but scrutinise the film. Several continuity errors and jump cuts were super obvious. It was annoying. I saw at least two jump cuts. And one glaring editing mistake was leaving like a one second scene inside. Like when I do those intro vids and it isn't cut precisely and leaves a frame inside. Yeah, that kinda thing. Continuity errors included smoke when the person wasn't smoking and the toothpick not being put down and Leonardo DiCaprio's character then drinking coffee. Heh.

After that Shawn, Juan Hui, Jessica and I went to grab some bites at Carl's Junior. BIG. The chilli cheeseburger isn't really chilli, its mustard! Call it mustard cheeseburger at that rate. Okay, no more CJ for the next quarter year please. I don't need to put on anymore weight than I already have. And I went running tonight as a result to start this whole healthy lifestyle thing again. Yes, again. Sakae buffet on Thursday. May that be my only meal of the day! And I shall pace myself instead of gobbling like a turkey.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wished i ate more at sakae yesterda :(

joannah here.

11:14 PM  
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4:19 PM  
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7:55 PM  

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