Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Gift count and Thank you

Well, so what did I get? Haha, well, just some stuff. Its not a lot but yeah, a really BIG THANK YOU to all those who took time to think of what to get for me. Its not quantity that counts but quality. Remember that eh? And be grateful.

Aunty Ivy & Uncle Berty - Coca-Cola T-shirt and handphone carrier in the shape of a sandal
Aunty Jeanette & Uncle Freddie - A pirate themed T-shirt
Aunty Audrey & Uncle Marcel - RM50!
Mom & Dad - A bicycle
Shwee - Some photo frames that look like a puzzle
Ms Kwa - Donation to help kids in East Timor in the name of the "Project Blitzers"
Ms Peter & Ms Low - Chocolates

Now that I look at it, it actually IS quite a fair bit. More than I thought I had gotten anyway. Thanks again.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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