Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas

A belated Merry Christmas to all. Above is a picture of Aunty Ivy with Uncle Pancho's grandkids, Divya and Sonya. The last time I saw them, Sonya was quiet and shy. Now though, she's confident and talks much more. Way to go Sonya! The kids have stayed with tata(sp?, grandpa) and pati (grandma) since their mother's death. And they get "mad" when he smokes. Cute kids, heh. Anyway, hope everyone had a really great Christmas.

Christmas this year was different in the least. After Nana went, nothing in KL is the same really. The moment we arrived, we used to go to her room and say hi and hug her. Now we go to her room to put our bags down. Christmas used to be held at her place and everyone would come and have dinner then open the presents. This year we went to Uncle Freddie's and opened the presents before dinner cause he had asked other friends over to eat as well. It was weird in the least - our family like to keep Christmas to ourselves and doesn't mix well with others so you can imagine what happened later on. Uncle Freddie had to entertain while we played with the kids and then the adults went back pretty soon.

That left Elaine, David, Frederick and I back in Uncle Freddie's where we played with the kids and put them to bed. I must say that from the last time I went up and stayed with them (May 2005), the kids have grown for the better. Ryan is more polite, Ethan talks more. Brandon and Ashley though, I've nothing to say except that Ashely is more willing to go to people and not so attached to Anee (sp?). Christmas this year was different and I'm glad that we didn't celebrate it back at Nan's house.

Here's the low down of the past week:
Saturday - Drive to KL took 8 hours because of heavy traffic and bad road conditions
Sunday - Shopping, shopping, shopping the whole day & dinner with Uncle Pancho, Aunty Raji, Divya & Sonya and Aunty Ivy, Uncle Berty
Monday - Church at SIB KL (I like that church), lunch at home, dinner at Uncle Freddie's
Tuesday - Return home

Pretty packed weekend. Oh, before I forget, a few shout outs. Happy Christmas Fano, Llano, Mko (I think I know the 3 of you check in from time to time). Also happy Christmas to the Cafe gang, Miriam, Jon, Gabe, Sister Esther and Wai Wai's section 2006.

Well, now that the merriness is over, its time to get back to work. Projects and unfinished assignments and I still have my game making! Blah. The wonders of tertiary education eh?

Assignments and projects:
SCR - The Departed assignment
CGD - Developing the game
PRMP - Project
EOF - Project
MPP - Project preparation & media journals

Not forgetting that I'm down on 5th Jan for the open house. Wowzers, busy like mad. Aight, be back sometime soon. Have a good week all!


Heads Up and Stay Strong
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