Sunday, April 15, 2007

This trip's memories

Continuing from the previous post, another relatively long one. This trip was about bonding with the young cousins, looking after them while Uncle Freddie & Aunty Jeanette were away in Bali. Dealing with the little tyrants. Above, you can see Ashley and Ethan playing in their "houses". Poor Mak Cik had stomach flu, so her tummy hurt. She kept asking for plasters to put on her tummy. LOL. And she really stuck them on! You could see the marks where the plasters were. I sent Ryan to school a few days. His school is HUGE. Sekolah Sri KDU Kota Damansara. Very modern. He looks cute in his uniform. At least its different from the usual white shirt and blue shorts of the public schools, even if the colour combo of grey and navy blue is rather drab... Brandon was busy with his spongebob game everyday. He's seriously addicted to PS2, TV and the computer. Might be a problem when he goes to P1 next year.

And other cousins too. Left to right: Dave, Laine, Vinder. Vinder's D & L's cousin, but we get along fine. Dave looks, hmmm, weird in that picture. Sorry cuz! But yeah, it was fun eh guys? This is probably the longest time I've ever stayed with you guys. 7 weeks! Just went by too fast. You know I'll miss you guys. Especially Laine when you go to Kedah. Sigh. When're yer holidays? Kedah is really far y'know?!?!

An early morning shot of Kuala Lumpur. Its a nice city - congested, surprising, beautiful. Please let this be my future home. Even if its congested and dirty, that's its unique culture and I love the city (not to mention working there). Surprising, the things that people do. They queue up to get on trains, they don't steal seats given up to those who need them. Its just little things like that that can make you smile. Especially compared to here where we have so many campaigns to "educate" people about this and that... Also, the people there. Mr. Andrew, Laine, Vinder, Yin, Ting, Ezra, Ash, Dave, and my whole lot of family members there. Gotta love each and every one of them cause they're all awesome in their own way - friendly, fun, funny, you name it.

Life wouldn't be fun without friends now would it? This is one awesome buncha dudes. Too bad Jon wasn't there or he would've been in the picture too. And not forgetting, the also awesome Ms. Michelle. Thanks really y'all for the time you've taken to come out and meet me. Literally at the drop of a stone you guys come over for dinner and to chat.

And so, I need to thank a few people....

Aunty Jeannette: You're an awesome employer - fair, fun and cool. The experience was a good one, learnt lots in the 7 weeks I was there. Really wish I could stay on. Future employee for you? Haha. But really, thanks for this opportunity and for letting me get a taste of the industry.

Mr. Andrew: This is one helluva awesome dude. So glad I got to work alongside you. Thanks heaps for the educating at the client meetings, taking time to explain stuff, answer questions. Its been a very memorable 7 weeks, hope to meet sometime again.

Laine: Thanks cuz for the awesome fun crazy times we've had together. Yer quite a wild girl eh? Lol. But yes, all the best to you in AIMST. Hope we'll have the same holidays eh? Miss ya.

Dave: Dude, thanks so much for all the lifts. And I think yer a pretty good listener actually. Ever thought of being a psychologist? Nah, that's prolly Laine's thing eh? All the best in the A Levels.

Ash: Ms. Ash! How to forget you funny you. And I always happen to bump into you at the most unexpected times eh? But yes, all the best in your studies too. Was good to work with ya and to know ya.

Ezra: Hey, just a shout out of thanks to you for making the RSVPs a success. Handling the media list was no joke aight? You did good with that one. All the best with the America thing.

Aunty Ivy & Uncle Berty: Thanks for letting me stay in the house. And the provision of meals too.

Aunty Audrey: Thanks for looking after me Aunty Audrey! Will take you out for supper some time when I'm up there.

Uncle Freddie: Thanks for helping with the passport! Without your help, it would've been so much more of a hassel.

End of Thank Yous

I was just thinking, in all my work experience, I've had really good employers. I sure am blessed to have such kind employers.
NParks: Ms. Andrea
ST Venture: Uncle Stanley & Aunty Nancy
Trigon Communications: Aunty Jeannette

Employers can really make it a nice place to work in or a horrible one. All of mine have made their offices some place that is great to work in. Some of the best memories will be there too. Thank you God for your blessings.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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