Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Supermarket thoughts

Is there anyone besides me who loves going to supermarkets? Today I was at the Tanglin Marketplace. Its nice to see all the imported stuff, the meringue pies, Sara Lee cakes. I could just stay there and be happy. Heh. Have you ever thought of how fun it is to buy all the stuff at the store, bring it back home and see your kitchen shelves stocked with stuff? I just wondered if anyone had the same thoughts about supermarkets as me. Maybe I'm just off tangent?

Other than that, shooting has commenced with a vengence. We tackled one of the shots from a scene today at Tanglin Mall. Here's the aftermath of the shoot. Camera, paper, less than half alive crew and many more decisions to go. Arrrrgh. Oh the days of being a student eh?

The "dinner". I love the spec dip groupmates. They share stuff. Arisya got a Java Chip, it tasted like wow. Potato salad was good, fries were good, lemon tart was awesome. Barbeque, sweet and sour, curry sauces. Mayo, ketchup. Lovely condiments if they can be called that.

And thereafter camwhoring galore. Hello Arisya and Farid. Nice sweater. Love the brilliant colour.

And toys at the Starbucks. He calls them boy toys. Or something like that. Jessica found a book that went, "The prince found Cinderella and her heart began to beat". I didn't know Cinderella had a heart that didn't beat.

More big kiddo shots. Let's play with the whatever that is.

Oh, seems like I have entered the camwhoring phase too. Only one photo man, only one photo. Aight then, I'd like to post a shout out to the spec dip group. Hey guys, I know its kinda tough fitting in this extra shoot and planning. But I really wanna thank y'all for the effort and dedication, for the good times and the bad times. So just press on yeah? Cause we can do it. Smiles all of ya.

Shout Outs:
Dak: Happy second to you. Enjoy and have fun.
Spec dip project group: Love the times with you guys.
Cawo: BIG THANK YOU to you and your cousin for saving our asses. I owe you sista.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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