Friday, March 21, 2008

ANTM 10 update

America's Next Top Model cycle 10 ain't bad so far. The makeovers were a bit HUH though. If you watch, you'll see what I mean. A lot of similar colours. Oh well. The house looks nice with the ticker tape LED for Tyra Mails. Pretty cool idea.

The first panel was really weird. The promise of the most shocking panel holds... somewhat. I suppose that's as shocking a panel can get though. Haha. Some of the eliminations have been expected, others pulled out from no where. But at least some of my favourites are still hanging in there. Tyra has been really secretive this season so whatever spoilers out there have been rampant rumours which is not bad really. I mean, what's the fun if its spoiled fully eh?

Apart from that, we got a nice new theme and intro style. Makes you wonder what they'd do for cycle 11 and 12. I've heard that this show is confirmed till cycle 14.


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