Tuesday, July 05, 2005

This stuff shouldn't happen

I’m just so mad and frustrated with my parents today. I have never hated them this much before. =/ Mom cam back and mostly ever since then, we have been fighting. I think I may have contributed to that, but they are also maddening. They threaten to take away the laptop, cut my allowance if I didn’t put up my time table on the fridge.

Its just so stupid. I mean, they say they want to know my timing and such. But, isn’t that called control? Look at it this way, my classmates parents don’t care what hour they come home at. This whole thing makes me feel like staying out till late at night, say coming home at 10 just to make them worried.

But that in itself would pose another problem. They’d ground me for sure. I’m stuck being the controlled kid. Just let me go! I’m old enough to know what to do. Stop controlling. You’re smothering me!

They did raise some good points though, I do see that. Like they want to contact me during school hours. But I can counter that they won’t even be home cause they themselves are teachers and nobody will at home cause they’re in school. They are killing me!

And I just feel so down at the moment. It isn’t my day eh? I should have stuck out even longer! I just feel like screaming at them, but that will have its disadvantages as well… Cut this, cut that. I so want to smack them! And you think that mom, who teaches in a college like mine, would understand the needs of a person my age. Totally wrong! She doesn’t at all. All she does is just control me. But I guess that’s cause she’s a control freak! She always has been. From restricting what we watch on TV to who I make friends with.

I so wanna yell that “F” word right now. But doing that won’t make things better. And it doesn’t help to speak such words of death. Then again, it does take away the frustration, even if only momentarily.

This is depressing… Sigh, but what can I do? I know some of my poly-mates do sympathise with me, but there’s nothing much anyone can do. Now taking time to reflect on what I did earlier, I think I am the cause of this whole thing. But my parents have a part to play as well. If they don’t restrict me so, I wouldn’t feel so cornered. I mean, I do understand that I do spend quite a little time with them in a week (perhaps the analogy of being a boarder at home, rather than a family member applies here). But there are definitely other ways to get around this.

One big reason why I hate spending time with mom is cause she gets all cheesy which really just bugs me. =P I mean, she goes up to you and just “coos” you, if you get my drift. Like, she just lays it on thick. Bleah. And I just can’t stand it. It gets to me. Maybe there’s just a problem with me? 0_0

But she should just use other ways to encourage the so-called “family unity”. And another thing I hate is the “family time” they want to have. We often have BIG arguments on this. No, its not just going out, its not that at all. Its coming together and doing some sort of Bible study which they try to ingrain in me. No, its not that I hate God or something, don’t get me wrong. I love God. But it’s the way mom and dad carry out this so called “family time”.

Seems that my life’s just all about arguing with them… =/ What can I say, I’m just being a normal teenager right? But I’m sick and tired of all this arguing, I wished they’d just leave me alone in my world (which just mixes with theirs often enough to know that I do exist in their world). It’s a very trying position. You do love them for what they’ve done and given to and for you, but sometimes they just rub against you too hard and a lot of friction is produced. Dad and I almost came to blows in Frederick’s room today. =/

I mean, what’s the use of fighting physically? Someone gets injured, and it could very well be dad… I’m about as tall as he is, and my build is definitely bigger than his. His age is his downside and probably my age tells of a lack of experience. But even if he does get injured, I will suffer further consequences. What a freaking life to lead! There’s no way I can win. I’m stuck in this trap of theirs. There’s no way out. Its so horrible.

Sigh, I shan’t think of it any further and make myself feel bad. Actually, I do feel kinda better just banging out all this stuff. ;) Okay, well, Crazy Chng told us today that our CC class will be taken over by someone else. That’s just so sad! She’s a real great teacher who has the experience to put up with our batch of DMC students. Its not fair that the new tutor coming in is this stuck up young guy. I think the class is ready to give him hell if he tries to control us too much.

He actually had the nerve to tell her, “I think you’re very patient.”

CC: Oh? Why is that so?
Stupid guy (SG): The class is very noisy and they are all over the place.

Okay, that wasn’t exactly how Arisya told it but that’s close to what she said. Come on, it was just a few of them having “fun” tickling one another. And, yeah, its expected that we don’t pay attention to whatever stuff the tutor says when you put a teenager in front of a computer. I have a feeling that SG is going to have a kind of hard time dealing with DMC1A05 and is INCOMPATIBLE!

*BTW: My right panel has sunk to the bottom, not dissapeared. Anyone know how to fix this?


Blogger wild orchid said...

Hang in there cuz.

6:43 PM  

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