Friday, September 09, 2005

102. Reality check.

Ah well, here's a Belated Happy Birthday Regina.

Okay, reality (and reality TV). :D I got that CC assignment 50% nailed already. Taster's Choice coffee is my product. I'm happy with the poster and pamphlet I did. It has a consistent theme. I think DTP helped somewhat. Haha. At least I don't have too many conflicting designs. :D

ITB, ICP... Just assessments remain. FOM final tutotrial and lecture is on today. I hope the Sushi Supremes did an awesome job and we get good results for our FOM. Sigh, I should get the nose to the grindstone and start studying.

Reality TV now... Haha. Survivor: Guatemala, 7 days away! And guess what? DOUBLE TELECAST!!! 1pm, 10pm, Friday. I think I nearly went over the top when I heard the CHannel 5 advertisement. :D Woohoo! That's cool. And can't wait for The Amazing Race either.

Apprentice on the other hand, do we really need this recap week? Next to go will be, nah shan't spoil it. But I hope they finish this season quick and move on to season 4 and maybe The Apprentice: Martha Stewart.

Here's the USA dates for the various reality TV shows:
15 September (Thursday) - Survivor: Guatemala
21 Spetember (Wednesday) - The Apprentice: Martha Stewart
22 September (Thursday) - The Apprentice: Donald Trump (Season 4)
27 September (Tuesday) - The Amazing Race

Wow. You guys over there have a full TV listing. Big Brother 6 is ending soon, so, I guess you guys will have one less reality show then. I want Howie or Janelle to win. But I dunno if they can. The final 5 of April, Howie, Ivette, Janelle and Maggie are kind of a weird combination. They got rid of Eric, Beau (yeehah!), and a whole list of others including James. Haha. Cool. But I would like one of the Sovereigns to win this. Oh well, let's see how it goes.

Shout outs:
Dame: Hey, you okay? Whatever it is, I'm here okay? I'll stand by you no matter what.
L: Same goes for you. Need anything and I'm here. Need the call card to talk to Ju? *looks concerned*
Damn, I hope I have not been robbed of anything.


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