Friday, May 26, 2006


Current Music: Only This Moment [Royksopp]

Hmmm, okay. Today was good and, yeah, enjoyable. Firstly, let me say I feel kinda cheated since I didn't stay to watch the last part of the X-men movie which was shown after the credits. Gaaaaah...

And then I haven't watched the earlier two movies. So wasted! Why? I know L said I should go watch, I would like it. Gah, must. Go. Watch. Movies. With friends next time.

Actually, maybe what ZL said is ture. I stick home too much. What do I do on weekends? Stay home. I have no life. My life belongs to saving money, school and grades. Am I that uninteresting???

Ahhhh, the highs and lows of life eh?


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