Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Back in school

School's back in business (ack, what an opener considering my faculty is called School Of Business)... Yay or nay? CIBM, ICM, WFM, ICMT, MIA, NUTW, DTC. The new module abbreviations for this year. They stand for Corporate Identity and Brand Management, Integrated Communications Management, Writing For the Media, Issues & Crisis Management, Media In Asia, Nutrition & Wellness, Directing The Camera. Wonderful eh? They've changed spec dip from Mon & Tue 4pm-6pm to Thu & Fri 4pm-6pm. How positively evil! Mon & Tue were bad enough, now Thu & Fri? Uggh.

We have lots of projects I hear and no exams. Yay or nay again? Its going to be a long 14 weeks more. We have a 3-week break in the middle again - 2 weeks for term break and mid-semester test week is free for us since we have no mid-semester tests. As Nad said though, it probably means we'll be working on ICM. The client came to brief us yesterday on the scope. So exciting! Do you feel the excitement? No? Probably right.... I'm not too thrilled. But well, my grades (and those of my fellow group members) count on me playing my part so I'll definitely do my best.

Doris is our PTN again. That's something to genuinely smile about. She came up with a I Love Ms Nga Vow in lecture today. Hahaha. Funny stuff. Besides all the projects coming in, Hatch Communications will be getting into gear this week too. Talk about fast eh? Will be looking forward to meeting the newbies. This sem is going to take loads of perserverence to get through. *Sigh* At least we got to watch Animal Farm somewhat yesterday during MIA. That was fun. But yeah, the wheel's gotta turn slowly first before getting into gear 5 eh? Give me some time I'll prolly warm up.

I edited the picture last night. 5 dudes and a dudette (like 5 smurfs and 1 smurfette, LOL). Then I wondered, where is it that I have more friends? Here or in Malaysia? Thinking hard about it, I'd say I have roughly an equal amount of friends in both places. Whom am I closer to? Counting the time that I've spent, that should be equal as well. But no doubt, I'm thankful for these people I know.

5 dudes & A dudette
4 dudettes & A dude
CAFE family
Casers (the old name was too embarassing)
The Trigon Bunch
Ignyte Peeps


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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