Saturday, April 21, 2007

Random bits

One is Regina. The other is Carol. Regina cracked me up during ICMT lecture yesterday.

Ms Low: Who is to blame for global-warming?
Me: Humans...
Ms Low: Who is to blame for the state of the environment?
Me: Humans...
Regina: Then blame what? Animals ah?

Yes, Regina, we blame animals for breathing out carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas. As there are hundreds of millions of them, they too should take the blame for contributing to global warming and environment deteriorisation. Yay! Blame animals! Heh.......

Oh, and everyone should listen to the song "Harry Potter Die". Its sadistic.

Yum, yum, yum. I want to blow the candles and then cut the cake!

This is Mr. Ethan Reese Fernandez putting in the candles on his birthday cake. We celebrated last Friday, before I left for home and Laine for Kedah. Ms. Ashley 'Mak Cik' Megan Fernandez is starring at the cake in eager anticipation.

I'm so excited! Omg, omg! Can you feel the excitement?!

And here is "Datuk" looking all excited to blow out the candles and cut the cake. Can you feel the excitement? He couldn't wait to get started. The lil tyrant was really excited to celebrate his birthday so early (its actually later in the month).

Ah, finally the moment we've been waiting for.

This is what happened...
Everyone: Yay! Now you can cut the cake!
Datuk: Come Ashley! We cut together.
*Datuk & Mak Cik cut the cake together*

Time for a Fijian recap.

Episode 9
RC: Nil
IC: Orange - Earl, Yau-Man, Boo, Edgardo, Cassandra
TC: Green - Michelle, Stacy, Alex, Dre, Mookie
Booted: Michelle
Merge tribe: Bula Bula

I agree that Jeff screwed Michelle over royally in this episode's TC. Seeing that Alex had already said "I have no reason to vote against __________" several times, was there a need to ask everyone? Jeff interfered too much. Poor Michelle!

Episode 10
RC: Cassandra + Dre, Boo, Yau-Man
IC: Yau-Man
Booted: Edgardo
Hidden Immunity Idol: Alex played

Dre is a wishy-washy player. Please vote him out somehow or other. He's uggh. Mookie is irrational. Emotional. Mookie's whole game has been that way. He mastered Erica's boot. Mookie + Rocky = Death.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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