Sunday, July 17, 2005

Survivor-mad. I need a doctor!

Song of today: Everywhere [Michelle Branch]

Haiz… How I wish I were in a cooler country. Its freakin’ hot here! And the mosquito count… That is a bad thing. Oh well, Ava!! When are ya getting married? Cause then I can like go to a cooler country? Lol. Sorry to do that, I shouldn’t have made it sound like I’m only going to yer wedding so I can get the temperate climate. =/

Well, today I’m lost in the clouds again. Yeah, so anything else don’t really matter much. I’m not paying attention to it. Chiew Yen should be dropping by later, wonder if she’s going to bring Emmanuel (my niece; cousin’s daughter). Its hard to believe that Emmanuel is 2 years old already. She’s really cute. =))

I think I’m going to be on another high today… Lol. What is wrong with me man??? Oh well… Just stick with it.

Now comes the BIG question, what do I do during the 5 hour break tomorrow? 5 hours! That’s madness!!! Maybe we’ll go celebrate Zhao Jie’s birthday? Or Arisya may have planned for us to do our ICP. Anyhow, I have no idea how to divvy up this break. Its so long.

Okay, am back to listening to the Ancient Voices songs. Something about it is kinda intriguing. I like to analyse them too. So, since I’ve nothing better to do, I shall analyse the current 10 available ones…
Ancient Voices of Boneo – This was the original one but it too, has certain characteristics of its own. For instance, at the last part of the song, there is an obvious flame sound that is missing in all future themes. This became the base for future Ancient Voices themes.

Ancient Voices of The Australian Outback – This was the first of the other Ancient Voices themes to include other elements into the original Borneo theme. The didgeridoo was the only thing included. As Survivor was only in its second season, I guess the producers didn’t want to go overboard and experiment too much with the logo and theme.

Ancient Voices of Africa – This one had different people chanting the main part of the theme. I think they got the tribal Africans to do it or something. But it certainly sounded quite different from the previous two, and since it was different, it added a new perspective on how to approach future themes. I like the traditional African chants in this one (not referring to the main chanting in the centre piece of the theme).

Ancient Voices of Marquesas – This one reverted back to the original Borneo theme with Polynesians shouting their war yells occasionally. It sounded kind of subdued after the African theme.

Ancient Voices of Thailand – Probably the most unique of all themes. The central chanting was probably done by Asian women from Thailand. The percussions used were extremely Asian. The flute section is very captivating. Generally, one would definitely identify this theme as Thai.

Ancient Voices of The Amazon – This theme made use of the Amazonian chants by natives. A bit similar to the African ones, but if one were to listen closely to the theme, there are difference. Mainly in the “words” used. Otherwise, the tone is kind of similar. The central chanting was done by natives I assume.

Ancient Voices of The Pearl Islands – This theme quickly shot to one of my favourites. The use of animal calls debuted in this theme with the Humpback whales’ calls. The theme is heavily leaden with the pirate theme of the season. The fiddle parts make you think you’re the conductor and this theme is just different.

Ancient Voices of All Stars – A combo of ALL previous seasons, there is very strong influences from the Australian Outback, Africa, Marquesas, Amazon and Pearl Islands seasons. The original and Thailand themes are a bit hard to detect. They are feature in the opening section where all elements of the later themes were silenced and there was only the original music playing (I think if according to the opening video, somewhere around the “18 castaways” section). The Thailand theme on the other hand acted as a background, with the gong going off rather silently (The section where Tina tries to make fire in the opening video). This theme had to be slightly longer as there needed to be sufficient time to showcase 18 castaways in 3 tribes instead of the usual 16 castaways in 2 tribes. It also did away with most of the central chanting and focused on the elements introduced in other themes.

Ancient Voices of Vanuatu – This theme NEVER fails to make me think of someone. Anyway, the traditional Vanuatan chants are used for this theme. The central chant is also marginally different. Heavy use of percussion in this theme. Theme had to be longer and more like that of the All Stars theme as the number of contestants in this one was bumped up to 18 castaways in 2 tribes.

Ancient Voices of Palau – Very strong military influence to showcase the theme of this season (starts with a military shout “Hooahh!”). I like the way it combines traditional Palauan chants with the war yells. It is my favourite theme at the moment. This theme had to be slightly longer than those of All Stars and Vanuatu as the number of contestants to be introduced shot up to 20 castaways in 2 tribes.

My current favourite them: Palau.

Okay, enough of the survivor (nonsense). Themes don’t matter as much as how the game is played. Oh well, trust me to look into other stuff and get side-tracked. Anyway, its down to 2 ½ months before Guatemala is shown! Oh yeah! And they would be merging by now, if this season isn’t like Palau where one tribe annihilated another. I’m busy trying to find out who the cast are. So far, it seems good. I think we may have a few good looking ones this time round, again. And Bobby Jon and Stephenie from Palau are rumoured to be playing the game again. I wonder how far they can make it in the game if they aren’t in there only as ceremonious roles. 0_0

Okay, I am happy again. I am on a high as well… Dear me, I think I have talked too much about survivor now! I’d better just quit it before I start ranting on and on about it again.

*I wanted to put Elvis Presley's "I can't help falling in ove with you" for today's song, but, it just doesn't fit the mood. Sorry Evis, it's a great song though. =)

Shout outs:
L: You’d better stop shooting yerself down cuz… Yer SO not an idiot. ;)
Dak: Hey hey, someone has a long tongue eh? Lol. Well, one more week till the cast is off isn’t that right? Lots for you to look forward to. I’m glad for that.
Dame: Well, yer gonna be leaving for Chicago soon. Do an excellent job (What am I saying?! I know you will). Enjoy the sights and sounds, oh, and tastes of Chicago while yer there. I know it’s a nice place.
Mko: I’ll definitely have to go to Chicago once in my life, the way you’ve described it is fantabulous!


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